
The Planet as A Stakeholder

Planet as a Stakeholder, opgericht door Marjolein Pilon, biedt een frisse kijk op duurzaamheid in de IT-sector. IT wordt vaak gezien als oplossing voor een groenere wereld, maar heeft zelf een grote en groeiende ecologische voetafdruk. Dit initiatief richt zich op het verminderen van de CO2-uitstoot door duurzaamheid te integreren in Agile en IT-processen.

Marjolein inspireert teams om kleine, concrete stappen te zetten, zoals energiezuinige code en efficiënter gebruik van data, die samen een groot verschil maken. Met een “Planet Earth Retrospective” ontdekken teams waar ze direct impact kunnen maken, en draagt Planet as a Stakeholder bij aan een groenere IT-sector en een duurzamere toekomst.

Van de website

The Planet as A Stakeholder schrijft:

What would you do differently if you considered Planet Earth as your stakeholder?”

IT is often seen as a solution for a more sustainable world. But just like other sectors IT needs to reduce its own carbon footprint to keep our climate safe and stable. IT has a significant (and quickly growing!) environmental footprint – accounting for around 4% of global carbon emissions. The challenge is clear: how do we continue to innovate while reducing our environmental impact? This is what the “The Planet as a Stakeholder” initiative focuses on. Our aim is to create a positive impact on the planet by integrating sustainability into Agile practices and IT processes.

A New Perspective

Sustainable IT is about minimizing the environmental impact of our digital activities. This includes reducing energy consumption, optimizing infrastructure, and ensuring that applications are as carbon-efficient as possible. It also means considering the full lifecycle of IT products, from development to deployment, and even decommissioning. By making sustainability a core consideration in every decision, we can help decarbonize the world while continuing to deliver value to our customers.

Small Steps, Big Impact

One of the core principles of Agile is continuous improvement, and this applies to sustainability as well. Even small changes can lead to significant reductions in carbon emissions. Examples of small steps that Agile teams can take include reducing data refresh frequencies, cleaning up storage, and shutting down unnecessary environments. These actions, when combined across multiple teams and organizations, can lead to a substantial positive impact on the planet.

Product screenshot

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