
Ethical consumer

Van oorsprong een tijdschrift uit Engeland die je helpt om ethisch verantwoorder te consumeren.

Ze doen dit op diverse gebieden: energie, kleding, geld, technologie, gezondheid, huis & tuin, reizen etc. Ze duiken in diverse gebieden en onderzoeken de verschillende aspecten van bedrijven.

Toen ik ze ontdekte vond ik eindelijk ook wat informatie over laptops. Heel fijn om op die manier meer gedegen een keuze te kunnen maken.

Van de website

Ethical consumer schrijft:

Ethics made easy

Each day we all make choices according to our personal ethics. Ethical Consumer provides the tools and resources you need to make these choices simple, informed and effective.

Some of this information is free to access, while the full set of tools is available for a small yearly subscription, which in turn helps fund our work.

Our income comes entirely from:

  • reader subscriptions
  • consultancy work for campaign groups and ethical organisations
  • adverts from ethically vetted companies, grants and other income

We are an independent, not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder co-operative with open membership, founded in 1989 and based in Manchester.

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Op 14 maart 2024:

Ethical alternatives: Brands to buy from if you boycott Israeli apartheid. Millions of people worldwide are refusing to buy from brands complicit with Palestinian human rights abuses, and many are seeking information about ethical brands they could buy from instead. Because of this, we've decided to share all relevant research from our shopping guides published between 2018 and 2024 to help people find alternatives to boycotted brands that are a little, or a lot, more ethical than competitors in their sector. We chose 20 of the main boycott targets of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, and identified alternative brands you could buy from instead. Link in bio. #ethicalconsumer #bds #palestine

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